Baseus Power Bank

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Review & Analysis Report

4.7 out of 5

  • 346
  • 29
  • 3
  • 4
  • 22

Customer Feedback

Top positive review

R***r From RU Write Feedback on 14 Jun 2022 05:23
K***n From KR Write Feedback on 31 Aug 2022 22:32
A***v From RU Write Feedback on 17 Sep 2022 23:57
Buyer From UY Write Feedback on 25 Sep 2022 16:37
R***t From RU Write Feedback on 03 Sep 2022 23:28

Top critical review

O***v From RU Write Feedback on 15 Sep 2021 01:26
M***a From IL Write Feedback on 10 Sep 2022 08:17
O***o From IL Write Feedback on 11 Sep 2022 12:09
T***u From FR Write Feedback on 05 Sep 2022 01:41

What Country Buy Most

We can count the distribution of countries that buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh, There are total 277 reviews write by top 10 countries.30.32% (84) buyers are from Russia,21.3% (59) buyers are from Israel,12.64% (35) buyers are from Brazil,10.47% (29) buyers are from Ukraine,7.94% (22) buyers are from Korea (South),3.97% (11) buyers are from United States,3.97% (11) buyers are from Canada,3.61% (10) buyers are from Switzerland,3.25% (9) buyers are from Kazakhstan,2.53% (7) buyers are from Chile,

Reviews Added Date Distribution

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Reviews Distribution By Day

We count the number of Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews by daily, then we get the result. 2021-12-01 has 7 reviews. 2021-12-17 has 7 reviews. 2021-09-10 has 5 reviews. 2021-12-22 has 5 reviews.

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Reviews Distribution By Month

We count the number of Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews by month, then we get the result.Dec 2021 has the max number of reviews, there are 68 reviews in Dec 2021. total reviews are 404.

Most buy Order options Distribution

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top Buy Colors

From the statics above, we can get a conclusion. There are total 404 reviews,52.48% (212) buyers choose to buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh with 20W Powerbank Black
23.76% (96) buyers choose to buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh with 20W Powerbank White
20.05% (81) buyers choose to buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh with 15W Powerbank Black
3.71% (15) buyers choose to buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh with 15W Powerbank White

(function(){ var colorspie = echarts.init(document.getElementById('colorspie')); option = { // title: { // text: 'Weather Statistics', // subtext: 'Fake Data', // left: 'center' // }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)' }, legend: { top: '5%', left: 'center', data: ['20W Powerbank Black', '20W Powerbank White', '15W Powerbank Black', '15W Powerbank White'] }, series: [ { type: 'pie', radius: '65%', center: ['50%', '50%'], radius: ['40%', '70%'], selectedMode: 'single', data:[{'name': '20W Powerbank Black', 'value': 212}, {'name': '20W Powerbank White', 'value': 96}, {'name': '15W Powerbank Black', 'value': 81}, {'name': '15W Powerbank White', 'value': 15}], emphasis: { itemStyle: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' }, // label: { // show: true, // fontSize: '40', // fontWeight: 'bold' // } } } ] }; colorspie.setOption(option);


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(function(){ var bundle_colorpie = echarts.init(document.getElementById('bundle_colorpie')); option = { // title: { // text: 'Weather Statistics', // subtext: 'Fake Data', // left: 'center' // }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)' }, labelLine: { show: false }, legend: { top: 0, left: 'center', data: [], }, series: [ { type: 'pie', radius: '65%', center: ['50%', '50%'], radius: ['40%', '70%'], label: { show: false }, selectedMode: 'single', data:[{'name': '', 'value': 203}], emphasis: { itemStyle: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' }, // label: { // show: true, // fontSize: '40', // fontWeight: 'bold' // } } } ] }; bundle_colorpie.setOption(option);


Most repurchase buyer Distribution

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top Buyers

From the picture above, we can get a return buyer distrubution, According our database for this product, we can get a result, in top 8 repurchase, they had give positive feedback with 81.25%, negetive reviews with 18.75%, neutral feedback with 0.0%.
D***n From Russia buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 1.0 star 2 times
A***v From Russia buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 5.0 star 2 times
R***a From Brazil buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 5.0 star 2 times
R***o From Panama buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 5.0 star 2 times
D***m From Korea (South) buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 5.0 star 2 times
A***t From Australia buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 5.0 star 2 times
S***G From Korea (South) buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 5.0 star 2 times
O***o From Ukraine buy Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh 2 times,leave 1.0 star 1 times,leave 5.0 star 1 times

Top Frequent Words In Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Reviews

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top Frequent Words in Positive Reviews

We filtered out all the Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews with positive feedback greater than or equal to 4, and then “+ counted the distribution of the words in these positive feedbacks. These are the words that appear most frequently.good(38 times),product(28 times),quality(25 times),works(23 times),fast(19 times),seller(17 times),excellent(17 times),well(14 times),bank(13 times),great(13 times),charge(13 times),baseus(12 times),charging(12 times),heavy(11 times),shipping(10 times),power(10 times),mah(10 times),thank(9 times),always(8 times),looks(8 times),recommend(8 times),everything(8 times),delivery(8 times),thanks(7 times),came(7 times),

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top Frequent Negetive Reviews Words

We filtered out all the Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews with negitive feedback, and then “+ counted the distribution of the words in these negitive feedbacks. These are the words that appear most frequently.product(9 times),never(5 times),arrived(5 times),seller(5 times),came(5 times),charged(4 times),order(4 times),problems(4 times),works(3 times),power(3 times),bank(3 times),put(3 times),case(3 times),although(3 times),dispute(3 times),took(3 times),small(3 times),money(3 times),mah(3 times),charge(3 times),described(2 times),package(2 times),brought(2 times),courier(2 times),get(2 times),

Top Reviews Words Distribution

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top 2 Words Positive Reviews

We use Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modeling, the data are from all posative Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews , then displays the result of the most relevant posetive 2 words. due to some country write reviews not by english, so may be there are some wrong words in the reviews, So it may lead to inaccurate statistical results or maybe there are some wrong words in the result. Top posetive relevant words are: fat duty,good big,key undemanding,day key,big heavy,tea piece,piece capacity,mountain long,long datum,lcd tea,datum info,capacity mountain,value ratio,unbeatable term,term price,surprised unbeatable,shut fast,real capacity,ratio shut,problematic least,

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top Negetive Reviews Words

We use Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modeling, the data are from all negative Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews , then displays the result of the most relevant negetive words. due to some country write reviews not by english, so may be there are some wrong words in the reviews, So it may lead to inaccurate statistical results or maybe there are some wrong words in the result. Top negetive relevant words are: fast charging,charge battery,battery last,money item,many defective,mah power,good money,defective mah,button good,bank button,unique friend,several piece,piece mah,piece defective,many piece,mah many,friend several,brand unique,power bank,parcel contact,

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Top 3 Words Positive Reviews

We use Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modeling, the data are from all posative Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh reviews , then displays the result of the most relevant posetive 3 words. due to some country write reviews not by english, so may be there are some wrong words in the reviews, So it may lead to inaccurate statistical results or maybe there are some wrong words in the result. Top posetive relevant words are: good big heavy,product day key,fast product day,day key undemanding,tea piece capacity,piece capacity mountain,mountain long datum,long datum info,lcd tea piece,capacity mountain long,value ratio shut,unbeatable term price,term price value,surprised unbeatable term,shut fast charge,real capacity mah,ratio shut fast,problematic least overheat,price value ratio,mah bit surprised,

Baseus Power Bank 20000mAh/30000mAh/10000mAh Review & Analysis Report
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